Hey Guys!
If you’re trying to find the gym, it’s the blue garage behind Pure Wellness Group. There’s lots of parking – but no sign… the lights should be on and it’ll look like a CrossFit gym/Adult jungle gym inside. Looking forward to seeing some of you again, and meeting others!
Pendlay Rows
For time:
Ring rows, Box jumps, Burpees
Stretch – shoulder flexion, Hip flexion+external rotation (gluts/piriformis)
Nutrition – It’s winter, the perfect time to lose weight. We are designed to eat a protein and fat diet during the darker months. More light, means more plants bearing fruit, means more carbohydrates. Less light means less plants and a greater need to rely on animal sources of food. We don’t need to go back to being “cave people”, we just need to think about how we’ve evolved and what type of environment our bodies were exposed to, and which kind they’ll thrive in.
Looking forward to seeing you guys tomorrow!
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