Hey Folks!

Great having you all out this weekend.  This post certifies that Caz did 100 burpees today in a time of I believe 6:52.  Pretty dang quick.

Let’s keep the ball rolling with our training!  Don’t forget… if you have Folks telling you about how they want to get healthier, happier and more fit… You know a guy that can help them!  I’d love to help them out in the gym, or even in the clinic.  I very much appreciate it, and I honestly just love helping people.

This is how hard we used to have to work for something sweet tasting…


Warm up

2 rounds – 10 dislocates, 10 reverse dislocates, 30 second squat hold, 5 second superman hold x2

Clean  2-2-2-1-1-1  *work up to and go for a PR today

8 Minute AMRAP:
8 kettlebell swings
8 burpees
8 pull ups

Stretch – Glutes & Quads

See you in the gym!
Adam, Eric & Katie


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