Hey Folks!

Keep killing it in the gym!  Here’s Sundays stuff!

Warm up for your strengths!  You want to feel strong through your FULL range of motion for each movement.

[av_toggle_container initial=’3′ mode=’accordion’ sort=” av_uid=’av-859rk5′]
[av_toggle title=’Health’ tags=” av_uid=’av-5u3xs5′]
[av_toggle title=’Performance’ tags=” av_uid=’av-3uk2at’]

1. Metcon
For time:
21 Thrusters, 115/80
9 MU
15 Thrusters, 115/80
7 MU
9 Thrusters, 115/80
5 MU
2. Snatch Technique
EMOMx5:  5 Tng Squat Snatches

[av_toggle title=’Longevity’ tags=” av_uid=’av-2c7tx1′]
Snatch 2EMOM-10

OHS 3×5 @60% snatch

5RFT (Rounds For Time):
10 KBS 50/35
10 Burpees
10Cal Row

Cool DOWN :)


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