Hey Folks!
It’s been too long since we’ve done handstand push ups! (at least for me). I’m really trying to spend the next year working on strict movement. During the gymnastics cert they really drove home the point that if you train with a kip, other than making you better at kipping (which can be beneficial) it isn’t going to make you any better at those movements. working the strict version will translate over to greater numbers of the kipping versions though. SO practice kipping every once in a while, but TRAIN the strict version of things too :)
Warm up
2 Rounds – 10 dislocates, 10 hops, 10 inch worms, 10 band pulls
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[av_toggle title=’Health’ tags=” av_uid=’av-5z6cey’]
Rest :)
[av_toggle title=’Performance’ tags=” av_uid=’av-3olqiy’]
Check competitorswod.blogspot.com
[av_toggle title=’Longevity’ tags=” av_uid=’av-2psisa’]
1 Clean & Jerk EMOM-10 @70%
AMRAP – 12 Minutes:
10 Deadlifts 185/115
50 Double Unders
10 Ring Dips
Stretch – Calves, Biceps, Hamstrings
Foam Roll – Quads
See you in the gym!
The CrossFit Sudbury Team
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