Hey Folks!
Excuse the different title for the WOD, I’m changing it to give us a bit of an edge for search engine results. The number is the identifier for keeping track of the day though, DayMonthYear (in case you were curious).
Performance Enhancement this Tuesday at 6pm! Knee-Ankle-Foot mobility to help with better positioning, box jumps, skipping, running, and anything where you end up in a squat. Also if you get shin splints, plantar fasciitis or REALLY sore calves when skipping lots.
Town Hall Meeting is on Tuesday evening at 8pm! It’ll be about an hour. We’re going to touch on where the gyms been, what our plans are for the future, some of the results from the survey I posted last week and then take your input to help guide and mould our awesome community!
[av_video src=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVEdN-xFa-o’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-2hp98i’]
10 Overhead squats
1-2 Minute Squat therapy
10 Tuck Jumps
*Try to add more weight to last weeks lifts
Russian Kettlebell Swings 2×15
* to eye level (not overhead) with as heavy as you can perfectly perform all 15 reps
2 High Hang Snatches @~65-75%
* You shouldn’t be erring from good form or missing any lifts (1 or 2 brain fart misses is acceptable – but remember, we want to practice success, NOT failure)
5 Front Squat @~65%
8 Walking Lunges
8 Ring Rows
Stretch – Calves, Forearms, Hamstrings
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