Hey Folks!
It was a great weekend and you guys kicked a lot of butt! Beach WOD was a blast – we played some hoover ball and had a great swim/wheel barrow/burpee/slam ball WOD. The water was great to cool off in too. Hmmmm, who knows where I can get ~10000sqft on the water in a central location in Sudbury for cheap? Yeah…. right. One day maybe?
We’re into week 4 of our “getting good at the crossfit” cycle and it’s going great! You can expect some more couplets, triplets, and typical CrossFit type stuff with some slightly larger rep ranges and weights, so that when we are using the more typical CrossFit RX’d weights, they’ll hopefully feel “light” :)
[av_video src=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgbNkcstWiE’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-31r5se’]
10 Overhead squats
1-2 Minute Squat therapy
10 Tuck Jumps
*same weight for 3 sets. Add 5 pounds to last sessions squats**
**Keep track of your squats. Once you fail you’ll reduce the weight 15 pounds and continue again.
*Same weight for all sets – add 2.5 pounds (total) each session**
**Keep track – once you fail, go back 7.5 pounds
1 Snatch + 3 Overhead Squats @~70%
10 Handstand Push Ups
20 Lunges
40 Situps
LaX Ball – Glutes (against wall), Rhomboids (between shoulder blade & spine)
The CrossFit Sudbury Team
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