Hey Folks!

My legs are DONE hahah.  Doing a little extra set me back a bit on that WOD, but it was one to write down for the future ;)

So we should start putting teams together for the CF24 event.  We’ll need to group into 3-6 people per “team”.  If you want the WODs to be less intense, have more people on your team.  Ultimately it’s for charity (Special Olympics Canada) and I’m not sure how or if they’re keeping score.  Either way it’ll be a blast!  ALSO keep in mind, you don’t HAVE to do all 24 hours, you can always do some, take a break, then continue, or just commit to X amount of hours.

Group your teams together and then we’ll get registered! :)

[av_video src=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Y5g0_lDM0c’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-2zdne6′]


Overhead Warm Up
2 Rounds:
10 dislocates + 10 weighted
10 ring rows + 10 push up plus
10 spiderman lunges
10 tuck jumps


Health – Deadlift – 1×5
Warm up to a single heavy set of 5 reps.

*Add 5 pounds to last sessions deadlifts.

Max Pull Ups – 3 Sets
3 sets of of max pull ups.

*Do them all strict, please, aim for 5-10 reps each set (i.e. don’t use two purple bands and get 45 reps each time haha)


Every Minute for 10 Minutes peform:
1 Jerk @ ~75% of your 1RM


10-1 SB/BJ/SU
10-1 for time, of each:
Slam Balls
Box Jumps
Sit ups

i.e. 10 Slam Balls, 10 box jumps, 10 sit ups, 9 slam balls, 9 box jumps…


Calf And Shoulder Cool Down
Stretch – Calves, Hamstrings, Squat hold, Shoulders
Foam Roll/Stick – Calves, Quads
LaX Ball – Pecs
See you in the gym!
The CrossFit Sudbury Team

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