Hey Folks!

Great weekend in the gym (and outside of it)!  I hope everyone loved their Halloween and had some fun, despite the rain.  It’s November now, and if you indulged in some candy it’s time to lock things down and train for real for the next 6 weeks or so – because you know you’ll be kicking your heels up for Christmas. So let’s get things dialled in!

  • Meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.  Use spices for variety!  Every meal should be a piece of meat and a bunch of veggies
  • Lots of water.  Drink tea or coffee (ideally  black/clear) if you’d like.  Though probably not a great idea in the afternoon/evening.
  • Fish oil.  1-4g of combined EPA+DHA per day.  Deepening on diet, training volume, current inflammations levels, etc.
  • Vitamin D.  ~1000IU, sometimes more, per day.  We have it in drops which is probably the easiest and highest quality/absorbability.
  • Probiotics – Good idea to take some every day, or eat some foods (kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchee, etc.) that will help maintain and colonize your gut with the friendly bacteria.
  • SLEEP.  8-10 hours per night.  This is probably the missing link if you feel like you are doing everything right already.  Get your sleep in.  Also, 10pm-6am is more appropriate than 2am-10am… just sayin’
  • Mobility.  Don’t forget to do this.
  • Constant movement at a slow pace.  Try to move around frequently.  Walks are good, getting up out of your chair to grab a glass of water, pee, dole out a few high fives, etc.  Just do it.  Try not to sit for more than 30 minutes at a time.
  • Start there.  You don’t need to do ALL these things, but pick 1 or 2 of the easiest and add them first.  Then once you’ve got them in, add another, then another.  If there are any deal breakers, leave them out.

Boom.  November is going to be our b!#&#.  Hahah.  The following video is awesome, though it has swears.  Watch it (without your kids around).

[av_video src=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6M-XUW4xYY’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-21e8b6′]


Back Squat Warm Up
10 spiderman lunges
10 toes touches
10 goblet squats w/ 3 second pause in the bottom*
10 pull aparts

*pause in bottom, heels down, elbows push knees out, squeeze your chest up tall.


Health – Back Squats 3×5
Back Squats
*same weight for 3 sets. Add 5 pounds to last sessions squats**
**Keep track of your squats. Once you fail you’ll reduce the weight 15 pounds and continue again.

Health – Press – 3×5
Press 3×5
*Same weight for all sets – add 2.5 pounds (total) each session**
**Keep track – once you fail, go back 7.5 pounds



5 X 3

Every 2 Minutes for 10 Minutes:
3 Back Squats @85%
*Optional – 2 high box jumps or just straight jumps into the air as high as you can after every set.


Inconvenient Slam Balls For Time
50 Slam Balls for time (30/20)*
*5 Burpees at the beginning of every minute, including the beginning of the WOD.


Squat GPP Cool Down
Foam Roll – Calves, Quads, Adductors, T-Spine
Stretch – Pecs, calves, Quads
See you in the gym!
The CrossFit Sudbury Team

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