Hey Friends!
Whoa! 16.1 announcement was pretty neat, AND Emily Abbott did awesome! It DOES pose a bit of a space limitation situation in our gym (how are the small gyms going to do this WOD?) so, we might be able to run 3 people at a time with enough room to do 25′ straight of walking lunges, and maybe 3 more people with a turn around at 12.5′. It’s 20 minutes long, so I’m not too worried about having to turn around, but if it matters to you, let it be known and we’ll make sure those folks get the “straightaway” lanes :)
It DOES look like a great WOD though – a long grinder! Make sure those hips are supple and those shoulders and thoracic spine are well mobilized to be overhead with the barbell. Don’t fail on the Chest to bar pull ups, and consider breaking them up early, but resting less. Even fast singles on the chest to bars with a drop from the top will be fairly fast and time can be made up on the lunges and burpees.
The Open does tend to do a good job messing up programming and mentally defeating people on WODs leading up to it. I’d suggest doing an easier effort on the workout the day before you do the Open WOD, or even consider taking a rest day before you go. You should have a good idea how you best respond to a rest day versus a light day the day before.
Either way, it looks awesome and we’re going to have a blast doing it! Come on out! :)
[av_video src=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtKb8Juxw9w’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-2iy3fw’]
10 dislocates + weighted dislocates
10 hops + 10 Tuck jumps
10 russian KB swings (snappy hips!)
This assumes you will pass through a squat (to catch the bar in a squat), though ask your coach if this is congruent with your goals or current placement in the progression.
500m row
Rest 2 min
400m row
Rest 2 min
300m row
Scaling Guide: Men: 3:30 – 4:30, Ladies: 4:00 – 5:00. Log combined row times only, not the rests in this case.
LaX Ball – Glutes, Rotator Cuff
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