Hey Friends!

Great work today!  Can’t get over how many power cleans you guys got.  Spend a little time laX balling those traps today and tomorrow if you can.  Let us know when you get the chance if you’re coming to Curling this weekend or not.  It’s going to be silly amounts of fun and don’t forget, accuracy is one of the 10 characteristics of fitness.  Just sayin’.

[av_video src=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9VgB6CHUWQ’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-31doww’]

Coaches Notes:

Todays strength and accessory work are based off the squats.  They should be your focus.  2 sets of 5 at your working weight (about 70%).  Try to descend slowly into the squat – the reason to move slow is it gives you real-time, actionable feedback on your positioning.  Feel like your elbows are dropping?  pick them up!  pitching onto your toes?  adjust your weight so that it’s back on the whole foot. No reason to do crappy squats here.  Then we’re attacking your core and hammies, because they need to be stronger in all of us, all the time ;).  For the metcon – pair up with someone and go HAM on the airdyne and PLEASE don’t skin your shins on the box.  I know I’m not exactly setting you up with success with the airdyne BEFORE the box jumps, but it’ll give you a chance to use your arms on the airdyne more and be smart about your box jumps.  Have fun with it and give it some serious effort.


2 Rounds:
in 3 minutes:
5 Front Squats at ~70%
max L-sit hold (rings, boxes, paralettes, hanging from pull up bar)
8 Glute Ham Raises (with the help of a partner).

Metcon – “Quads are actually Quints”:

With a Partner, 3 rounds each, For time:
Airdyne (30/25 Cals)
10 Box Jumps (30/24/20)

*Partner 2 can’t start their round until Partner 1 is finished theirs. Alternate Rounds.


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