Hey Friends!

So what’d ya think of the technique work/practice?  Sometimes you need to slow down to speed up.  Increasing your positioning and quality of reps is going to pay off in the long run BIG TIME.  Even something as simple as setting your core up right before a jerk makes the lift a lot faster and easier, meaning you have more energy to celebrate…. or continue your WOD.

Couple swears in the video, but it’s great for a laugh.  They need to make at least 3 more Rush Hours ;)

[av_video src=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlDfEMzFyGo’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-2cff2y’]

Coaches Notes:

The Strength is similar to the one last week with the pull ups, but it’s toes to bar this time.  Try to hit the same number of toes to bar the second time.  Tape your hands/wear your grips if you’re worried about tearing.  The Front Squats should be at a decent weight, but not anything you’re worried about failing with.  Keep those elbows up high and stay tight.  Remember no hips get left behind!  Metcon is heavy and high.  Please don’t tear your shins up.  You’re going to need to pause for a second before the first box jump, maybe even overemphasize the lifting the feet on the first one.  Heavy power cleans require aggressive hip extension… high box jumps require… aggressive hip extension.  So your hips might not have the same “pop” you’re used to.  Get your arms and everything into it too.  Set a pace and stick to it (or try to).  Going crazy for the first 12 Power cleans is not likely a good strategy to set you up for success with the rest of the WOD ;)


In 6 Minutes:
Max Toes to bar at the start of the 6 minutes
10 Front Squats @ a good weight ~60%
at the end of the 6 minutes – max toes to bar again

Metcon – “Y’all got any Eel?”

12-9-6-3 for time of:
Power Cleans (185/123/65-70%)
Box Jumps (30/24/20)


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