Hey Friends!
Well that was a lung burner. Came down to moving fast on those burpees and not wasting time between exercises. Burpees have gotten… slightly easier since we’ve been doing so many. Which is a good thing. I hope you all are enjoying the burpees lately (yeah…. let’s just pretend), though honestly, they’re a great conditioning tool, and there isn’t too much more realistic/crucial than being able to lay on the ground and then get back up (enthusiastically, even!)
Keep up the awesome work. The Cleans looked pretty good today too. Remember for those jerks, get that bar uncomfortably close to your throat and stay tall during your dip. Depending on your general muscle fibre type, you might dip shallow, and more quickly (fast twitch bias), or a little deeper and more slowly (slow twitch bias). Either way, you need to stay tall, because as soon as you dip TOO low, you’re going to pitch forward, and then you can guess exactly where the barbell is going to go. You can likely save it up to ~80-90%, but at PR weights, you’re just going to lose it forward, or hurt yourself trying to save the lift.
[av_video src=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JllS_A-mk4′ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-2p0b76′]
Coaches Notes:
More fun skill work. If you can, do the HSPU’s strict. If THAT’s too easy, set them up with a deficit. Remember… “For Quality”. On the WOD, it’ll come down to how fast you want to go on the airdyne, and how quickly you can get through the toes to bar. If you need to, break them up early, but maintain as short a rest between sets as you can. Watch your grip on the KB after the toes to bar. No throwing the KBs at your friends! ;)
Skill work:
5 Rounds For Quality:
6 HSPU / 2 Wall Walks
8 Alternating Pistols / Single Leg Box Squats
2 Rope Climbs / Seated Rope Pulls
20 min. Time Cap
Metcon – Pour some out for your Homies:
4 Rounds For Time:
30/25 Cal Airdyne or 25/22 Cal Row
12 Goblet Squats (50/35)
12 TTB
12 Overhead KB Swings (50/35)
Scale up: (70/50)
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