Hey Friends!

Another quick month in the books and we get to highlight another of our amazing members!  For February we recognize someone who has been putting in the hard work – improving flexibility, as well as strength, two of the things that are often hardest to come by.  We’re lucky to have February’s CrossFitter of the month…

Name:  Lea Britt

Age: 26

Occupation: Associate Lawyer, Lacroix Lawyers/Avocats

What was your exercise experience prior to crossfit?

I played a lot of sports as a kid, and throughout high school including flag football, hockey and softball. I started running regularly in university and have done road races and a number of obstacle course runs including Tough Mudder. I have also tried other sports including boxing and muay thai kickboxing.

How long have you been doing crossfit and why do you choose to crossfit?

I graduated from fundamentals in December of 2015 and have been crossfitting ever since. I decided to start crossfit in the fall of 2015 after a number of changes in my life, including moving back to Sudbury after law school. I decided I wanted to find something different in order to achieve my health goals as I was not really seeing the progress or satisfaction from working out that I wanted. I knew a couple of members at Crossfit Sudbury who really enjoyed it and decided to see what it was like. Since starting I find that doing crossfit regularly has benefited me not only physically but also helped with the high stress levels that come from my job. If I have a really stressful or long day at work crossfiting afterwards makes me feel calmer and much happier!

What is your favourite part about CrossFit?

The people! I love working out and seeing the progress that I have made but I am not sure I would be as motivated if I was working out alone or the atmosphere was different. I have tried different group type classes/memberships and have not really felt any type of connection to those places in the same way I do at CrossFit Sudbury.  

What are the accomplishments you are proud of? (CrossFit or non-CrossFit related)

Non-CrossFit:  Becoming a lawyer in June of 2015. It took seven years of school and a year of articling to do it. I am also very proud of the amount of travelling that I have achieved so far, including completing two university exchanges in Ireland and the Netherlands.

CrossFit: Handstands and toes to bar are probably the movements I am most proud of achieving. I have no gymnastic background and have had to consistently work at progressing with those movements in order to see results. I am also very happy with the progress that I have made with weightlifting more regularly, as there is something very satisfying about being able to lift heavy weights. More recently, I was very proud of myself for being able to do 17.1 rx, as that was one of my goals for the 2017 Open, and I think reflects progress in how willing I am to push myself when I could easily not have.

Favourite workout or lift?

Lift: Clean and Jerk, my lifts are not always pretty but when I hit everything right it feels great.  

Workout: Depends on the day but anything that doesn’t contain rowing I like.

Anything else you would like to share please feel free ☺   

Everyone at the gym is always so friendly and supportive, which was particularly nice when I could only remember a couple of names. There is always a coach around to offer advice on something I am practicing and a high five waiting after a workout. Thank you for all of the support and for pushing me when I am not pushing myself as hard as I could.


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