Hey Friends!
The long weekend has come to an end – back to training hard and having a blast in the gym/clinic. Hope you guys are all getting excited for the battle this weekend Saturday! As a reminder – we’ll be closing at 3pm on Friday so that we can set up for the event. Sorry about that.
In other news, I’m running some complimentary weightlifting club sessions on Tuesday and Thursday this week and next week. Then I’m away for a week, and THEN we’ll restart with another cycle :) Open to all our members (sadly not for not our members, as people need the familiarity that our members have with the lifts).
[av_video src=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5p2VVDupq8′ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-2w1nqq’]
Coaches Notes:
Snatch/Overhead Squat practice to start. 65% shouldn’t be so hard that you’re worried about missing the lift at all. Most will find the BTN jerk awkward – try to get your elbows slightly under the barbell (though still slightly behind). Catch the bar nicely on your back (cushion it on your traps and catch the bar with a subtle squat). On the WOD it’s all going to come down to grip – use the hook grip on those power snatches and hang on as long as you can – then set a solid pace on the slam balls and shake the arms out during the next run.
Every 1.5 minutes for 5 rounds:
1 Jerk (from behind the neck) + 1 Overhead Squat @65% + 1 Snatch Balance
Metcon – Flextension:
3 Rounds for time:
200m Run
15 Power Snatches (95/65)
15 Slam Balls (30/20)
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