Hey Friends!
Another longer WOD today, though it shouldn’t interfere too much, or overuse too many of those muscles from yesterday (maybe a little on the muscle up/chest to bar connection, but the reps aren’t high, you’ll be alright).
[av_video src=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25yrrCCA1bM’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-1tu265′]
Coaches Notes:
Beauty WOD to dig in deep on and push the pace. Make sure you’re lifting those feet up on the box jumps, but other than that the variety of movements should mean you’re fairly “fresh” for each movement – so don’t waste any time transitioning. The reps are low enough that some folks should be able to go unbroken. Give the calves, hams, and feet some lovin before you head into the first run. Optional cash out since we haven’t back squatted in a minute. Broken up with some quick rows. Get adequate rest between movements and sets. It isn’t for time so get it done with quality movement and micro-goals (perfect squats each time, holding the same split time the whole time, going on a full sprint, whatever makes you happy haha)
Metcon – Gordo:
For Time:
Run 800m
Thrusters 115/75
C2B Pull-ups
Box Jumps 30/24
Run 800m
Optional Cash Out:
5 Rounds:
5 Back Squats @65%
250m Row
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