Hey Folks!

Sooooo, hopefully you didn’t experience pain and sadness, but gains and happiness haha.  Thrusters are such a terrible movement (figuratively), but such a good movement for gassing you/moving a (relatively) large load a long distance.

A word on the competitive stuff that I forgot to mention – I’m going to be leaving it in Train Heroic (i.e. not writing it on the whiteboard along with the WOD – that doesn’t mean you can’t write it down somewhere so you remember what you’re doing) as it isn’t necessarily part of the days RX (for everyone) and I don’t want people to feel obliged to do it.  Anyone who wants to can do it, but yeah, you get the gist.  The other thing I forgot to mention before is that it won’t fit into the hour we have planned for the classes – so if you’re going to do it you’ll need to stay extra long, or come back at some point.  Once again, I’m sure you already knew that, but sometimes things need to be said, as I don’t want anyone expecting to fit it in and then being disappointed.

[av_video src=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOv-vP4mY9A’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-2gs3z2′]

Coaches Notes:

Ring dips!  Do them right!  Haha.  Make an effort to keep your chest tall and pull your elbows back and up versus dipping your chest down and forward.  You should notice a big different in torso angle in changing it.  The proper way is more difficult.  It’s also worth doing.  Hold support at the top, ideally with the rings turned out.  Support holds with a band are still difficult, so don’t worry about banding the dips.  On the WOD – move quickly, and do the reps touch and go.  Dropping the bar won’t help as with those light weights you’ll be chasing the bar all over the place.  Be mindful of your bar when you drop it/lower it as you’ll have friends working out with you, who won’t want to be your friend if you bash their legs with the side of your barbell.  Make an effort to catch the bar at lockout, as the DUs will cook your shoulders too.  Use those legs/hips on the Snatches!


5 sets of 3:
Strict ring dip with a 5 second support hold at the top of each dip (rings turned out at the top for an “Rx”)
Run 100m between sets

Conditioning – “Open WOD 14.1”

10 min AMRAP:

30 double unders
15 Power Snatches (75lbs / 55lbs)

*2014 Adam got 347 reps, you guys can beat that!


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