Hey Folks!
Beautiful weekend AGAIN – and now we’re into another week of awesome weather. We’re starting into a bit of a clean/front squat cycle, and I’m thinking of sneaking in a bit more of a focus on something, but haven’t completely decided what it’ll be yet. We’ll need to switch into a bit more open based conditioning pieces as we get closer to that date, but for now, I’d like to sneak in/acquire as much functional strength as we can. You guys have been crushing it, and being very smart about when to forge ahead, and when to dial it back a little bit, so keep up the great work there :)
Todd’s walk is this week on Wednesday night, maybe plan to hit up 6pm class, Todd’s talk at 7 and then Yoga at 8. What a great evening!
[av_video src=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3Sw0GC56dI’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-2pwh5m’]
Coaches Notes:
Increasing weights across the sets for the deadlifts (starting at 75% for 5, and ending at 90% for 1), superset with Handstand holds or walks. As usual, focus on quality for these. For the WOD – the weights/movements are “light” enough that I recommend focusing on your breathing, and noticing the difference of when you need to breath, versus how quickly you can move. If your movement and breath are linked up, it might be a sign that you’re breathing too quickly or too slowly. Just something to be mindful of.
Strength work:
Every Minute for 10 Minutes:
ODD Minutes – Deadlifts (5-4-3-2-1 rep scheme)
EVEN Minutes – Handstand Holds/Walking
Conditioning – “Quack Quack Quack, Mr. Ducksworth”:
2 Rounds for time:
25 Push Press (75/53)
50 Air Squats
25 Toes to bar
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