Hey Folks!

So that was a bit of a doozy.  Great mental test – and a good way to test our pacing/ability to recover between efforts.  I don’t care if you did all 10 rounds, or only snuck in a few, it was a challenge and you guys rocked it.

Not this weekend, but the weekend after we have our Hopper Games!  Make sure you’re signing up in the gym – it should be a lot of fun, and we’re going to hit up the stack afterwards for some delicious brewskis.

[av_video src=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv5v-ZFRtew’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-2cf81a’]

Coaches Notes:

Some touch and go power cleans & sprint work to energize your day (and fire up those fast twitch fibres), followed by a longer, lighter workout that will tax the lungs more than the mind (I imagine).

Strength & Speed:

5 Sets:
3 Touch and Go Power Cleans @70%
Sprint 100m
Rest as needed between sets.

Conditioning – “van Niekerk”

3 Rounds for time:
400m Run
9 Dumbbell Thruster R arm (50/35)
9 Dumbbell Thruster L arm (50/35)
12 Slam Balls (40+/30)


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