Hey Folks!
Great weekend in the books – looks like we have some gnarly weather between today and tomorrow – trying to decided if it’s going to be freezing rain, snow, or just rain. Likely some combo of them all?
That said the roads will be ROUGH out there – so be safe, give yourself a little extra stopping distance, and pack a sandwich in case you get stuck on the side of the road and a kind tow truck requests a sandwich in payment instead of money.
[av_video src=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWTiRB9lJeo’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-2ixpq8′]
Coaches Notes:
More booty blasting lunges :P along with some power production using the skips. The WOD has some heavy technical work, followed by some more power (box jumps), that slowly leads to less technical stuff (Kettlebell swings). Don’t rush through the WOD, take your time dialling in your technique for each of the lifts (snatches and cleans), and make a point of OVER jumping the first box jump each time. if you’re hesitant to jump on a high box, you can always choose a lower one and make a point of jumping much higher than it (landing almost straight legged).
5 sets
5 x 6/leg forward stepping lunge (back rack)
After ever set (12reps) perform 4 power skips
Conditioning – “Yul Brenna”
2 rounds
10 Power snatch @ 185/125
5 high box jumps
10 power clean @ 185/125
5 high box jumps
10 heavy WB @ 30/20
5 high box jumps
10 heavy KBS @ 70/50
5 high box jumps
rest 3 minutes
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