Hey Folks!

Helen all over the place!  Rowing, Biking, Running.  We did it all.  And NOW we’re fit.  Hope you guys enjoyed it – I know I always do.  Helen is great for a good lung burn, without making you too tired the following day.

Keep putting in the hard work, and travelling forward on that path and you’ll keep getting fitter.  Make sure you’re setting goals and striving for certain milestones/benchmarks, but also make a point of enjoying each moment.  It’s mostly about the journey, right?

[av_video src=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhb9vDxNJC8′ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-a7rjg’]

Coaches Notes:

more sinfle leg work!  Yesss.  Just when your glutes were starting to loosen up.  This is going to come in handy as we’re nearing the end of this “fun” cycle, and going to be working into a powerlifting/endurance capacity cycle coming up!  Great little burn for you on the WOD – Use a scale for the HSPU’s so that you aren’t standing around staring at the wall/whatever for too long.  1 to 3 sets without too much rest between them would be ideal for the HSPU’s.

Skill/Strength work:

Weighted pistol
6 sets of 5-8/leg

Scale to pistol to a box, reverse lunges, Step ups, split squats.

Conditioning – “Muscle Confusion”

AMRAP 14min
10 HSPU (scale with pike push-ups)
20 DB deadlifts 50/35
20 Sit ups
10 Step-ups (with or without 1 or both DBs in hands)


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